Student debt adversely affecting our profession in a number of ways, perhaps most importantly by forcing students into jobs that don't align with their primary passions. Oregon has proposed RC-11 and I think we need to get behind it
Well it's officially a wrap, "LBP: The Patient Experience" has been launched! It was an amazing weekend, and the recap deserves a periscope all on it's own, so enjoy!
Great questions today! We explore the notions of anchoring too early in the examination, becoming specialized while still in school, and more!
There has been some quality dialogue recently regarding not getting too excited about short term changes. While there is wisdom in that it is my contention that short term change is a critical piece to long term functional improvement
Few would debate that great leadership is a critical component of a successful team. This morning we talk about some of the characteristics consistently found in great leaders both inside and outside of our profession
Physical therapists are notoriously uncomfortable with focusing on the financial side of our businesses. This morning we explore some reasons why this shouldn't be the case.
There are plenty of ways to improve, but most often great progress seems to be made when like minded motivated people link up together. This morning Jeff talks about the need to prioritize the development of a quality network for maximal progress.
Amazing questions from the crew today! We hit on challenging conversations between students and CIs, how to expand your clinic beyond just working there, and which tools are critical for the toolbox!
Learning from those you disagree with is perhaps one of the most important skills you can acquire. Dr. Moore speaks to some of the challenges, both with learning and teaching, that we all face every day
The conversation continues! Is there good and bad movement? Can we prevent injuries by focusing on non painful dysfunction? This and more in our nearly 30 minute conversation this morning!
Selecting interview questions is an art. Great questions reveal the person in front of you for who they are behind their interview persona which is critical for determining how good of a fit they will be in the company culture. Here are a few that I think do the trick.
Good questions today about optimal movement and how to identify patients requiring pain science interventions
We all know the story: "Abnormal" findings on imaging are common in asymptomatic folks. But knowing this fact is only one piece of the puzzle. This morning Dr. Jeff Moore discusses which specific articles he uses to educate the community and physician colleagues
Dr. Moore gives his honest thoughts on work life balance. Is it possible? Is it something you really want? Should we stop encouraging the next generation to pursue it?
Patient Expectations play a key role in delivering consistenthigh quality outcomes. This morning Dr. Jeff Moore talksabout how patient expectations in regard to thrust manipulation andour profession as a whole